TTD Dharma Reddy under scanner

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The Government of AP has not allowed the TTD EO Dharma Reddy to move out of Tirupathi. There is a talk that his Passport was seized. He was a follower of former CM Jagan.

There are allegations against him that funds of TTD have been swindled by Dharma Reddy. He was with TTD in various posts at TTD. Dharma Reddy has lifted hundreds of crores from the TTD they say.

Now he would be probed and enquired by the New Government. He was with central services and then moved to TTD and continued with TTD by influencing the officials.

He used to travel to Delhi with loads of TTD laddus. He was negotiating with the central ministers and also some judges for the sake of Jagan from time to time.

There are allegations in connection with the TTD jewellery also against Dharma Reddy. On the other hand the TTD Chief Bhumna is absconding, He is not seen during the VVIP visits.

Lets hope the truth will come down and the commercial systems on the TTD will come down in a phased manner. The new TTD Chief is expected soon.

The rate of laddus and also the room rents must come down on TTD. The free food quality must also improve.

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