Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao declared that a Comprehensive Telangana State Paddy and Rice Policy would be prepared keeping in view of increase in the Paddy yield in the State. The CM has instructed the officials concerned to formulate the policy after consulting with the Rice Millers and other stake-holders. The CM also announced that the government would stand by the Rice Millers and make them stake holders in the State’s development and progress. He said the draft Paddy Policy will be discussed in the State cabinet and it would be discussed in the Legislature before it is accepted as the policy.
“There is a lot of difference between the situation that prevailed during the united AP and now. Construction of major projects like the Kaleswaram, completion of the on-going projects, revival of tanks under Mission Kakatiya, 24-hour free power to farmers, farmers are getting water in abundance. This led to increase in paddy cultivation in the State. For this Rabi season, Paddy is cultivated in 40 Lakh acres. There is a possibility of getting more than one Crore tonnes of Paddy. This time during the Monsoon, Paddy will be cultivated in 55 to 60 Lakh acres. Under Kaleswaram project along Paddy can be cultivated in more than 35 Lakh acres. Next year Paddy will be cultivated in atleast 70 Lakh acres.
Telangana State will cultivate every year 2.25 Crore tonnes of Paddy. Telangana State is becoming the Rice Bowl of India. Under these circumstances, procuring the paddy and sending it to the Mills to make rice and selling it will become a hard task. For this, the existing policy or method is not useful. There is a need to implement a Comprehensive Paddy and Rice Policy so that the Paddy produced can be made into rice and sell it without any problem,” the CM said.
“There are 2200 Rice Mills all over the State. These Mills can mill one crore tonnes of rice per year. In the past, these mills could not get the Paddy to their capacity. Even to mill 20 to 30 Lakh tonnes used to be a difficult task. Now the situation has changed. There is supply of Paddy in abundance. There is 24 hour uninterrupted power supply.
Rice Mills should take advantage of the situation and mill more rice. The Rice Mills should operate to their optimum level to mill rice for the purpose of consumption within the state, to supply to the FCI and to export to other States. There is a need to have more new Mills. From the government side we will do everything to run the rice mills in an effective way and to put them in profits. The Rice Mills in Telangana should become stake holders in the State’s development and progress,” the CM urged.