Trump was not impressive in Bed -Full disclosure

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Stormy Daniels the Porn star claiming to have slept with President Trump earlier said that he was not impressive at all. She quoted this in her book to be released on October 2. She described as to how it happened in the penthouse of Trump after a Gold Tournament. She was invited by the bodyguard of Trump and that she slept with him and the act was not an impressive one.

But Trump denied this. He said nothing happened between them. After that Daniels kept meeting Trump, for getting a role on the TV program hosted by the Trump family. But she did not get a chance. Daniels has named her book as full disclosure and it is ready for release on October 2 .

Image result for Trump Stormy Daniels

Trump said no to the allegations of Daniel. But Trump’s lawyer agreed that he has paid Daniel to keep quiet and this happened just before the Presidential elections. But in her book full disclosure, Daniel says that it was one of the most unimpressive sex that she had with Trump. Being a porn star she wrote everything on the act that she had with Trump.

People who know about the book and the content in advance praised Daniels saying that she was a bold woman and she disclosed the truth against the President.

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