Trump avoids media …..

Trump avoids media .....
Trump avoids media .....Trump avoids media .....
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President Donald Trump marked his 100th day in office with an event touting what he called his administration’s “historic progress,” even as his prime focus early in the campaign rally focused on his long-running antagonism with the news media.

Trump wasted no time mentioning the “big gathering” in Washington – the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, which he declined to attend – eliciting boos from the crowd in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as he dismissed the event as “a large group of Hollywood actors and Washington media” who he said were “consoling each other in a hotel ballroom.”

Pennsylvania Democrats and liberal protest groups turned out for an opposition rally and march in Harrisburg on Saturday to protest Trump, who chose to host his event in the very same city he referred to as “a war zone” during the campaign.


“This rally and march is to send a message to the president that he needs to be more moderate and more inclusive,” said Harrisburg Mayor Eric Papenfuse (D). “I hope he will look around and understand that he needs to do more than rally his supporters. He needs to listen to and speak with those who didn’t vote for him.”

Across the country as well, including Utica and Syracuse, New York, Boston, San Francisco and Chicago. In Washington, crowds gathered for the People’s Climate March in support of environmental protection efforts, some of which have been rolled back during Trump’s first 100 days.


He dismissed CNN and MSNBC as “fake news” before proudly noting that the term is now used widely. Trump decried what he again called “the totally failing New York Times,” falsely claiming that the organization was “forced to apologize” for its coverage of the 2016 election, a claim he has made before. He also took a shot at the newspaper’s headquarters, which he called an “ugly office building in a crummy location.”

The President made clear that he was trying to draw a direct contrast with the news media, saying that they deserved “a very, very big fat failing grade” for their coverage, before shifting to a discussion of his administration’s actions.

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