V Hanumantha Rao the former PCC chief and Rajyasabha member of Congress party said that the TRS coverts in the Congress party prevented the AIIC from giving him the post of Chairman to the publicity committee. Hanumantha Rao popular as VH was close to Rajiv Gandhi and other members of the Gandhi family. Now is the member of a strategy committee and is very unhappy.
He wanted to be the Chairman of the publicity committee and got a vehicle for touring all the constituencies. Anyhow Hanumantha Rao wants to continue the publicity on the vehicle that he has got ready for himself. He said that there were TRS coverts in the Congress and that they were working for the TRS sitting in Gandhi Bhavan. These are sweeping remarks and allegations made by Hanumantha Rao against the Congress leaders.
Hanumantha Rao said that he would report the names of these coverts to Rahul Gandhi directly soon. He said that they were the ones who created hurdles between him and Rahul Gandhi. He was peeved at the way that he was not considered for the post of Chairman for the publicity committee.