TRS cadres celebrate across the state

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The TRS cadres were seen celebrating across the state for getting the announcement of the Government job requirements in Telangana. There were celebrations at the Osmania University also after the announcement of KCR here in the Assembly.

KCR announced that lakh jobs have been filled and another lakh jobs will be notified from today. The vacancies will be filled according to the new Zonal system and local reservation.

KCR also announced that there will be no further jobs on a contract basis and that all the contact jobs will be regularised. The vacancies have been notified district wise.

TRSV leaders celebrated here at the Osmania University Campus. There is an all-around appreciation for the decision and announcement of KCR’s decision.

The recruitment will be done according to the new districts and zones formed earlier. The age limit for employment has also been raised by the Government.

The BJP leaders have been demanding the recruitment of Jobs for a long time. Now that the elections are round the corner the CM thought it fit to go for the recruitment.

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