Trivikram is not only a matal mantrikudu but also a story mantrikudu. The other day he cooked a story about cooking at home.
“Usually, I cook every day at my home, but today, since I am coming to the event, she stayed back to take the cooking responsibilities,” said Trivikram on a fun note.
Later, he also said that she asked him not to enter the kitchen again. Does Trivirkam has time to cook in the Kitchen on daily basis?
Trivikram said:“Once she asked me to reduce the flame of the stove, and I asked her if I have to do it clockwise or anti-clockwise. Since then, she asked me not to enter the kitchen, asking me not to bring my Physics into the kitchen.” said the director.
Trivikram and his friend stayed in the room at Panjagutta and he should definitely be knowing the way to start the stove and also cooking to some extent.
So just to promote the movie he has cooked a good story on cooking and not knowing the way to reduce the flame of the gas stove. Ok these kind of stories are not new to the story tellers and movie directors.