Tomorrow is women’s day

womens day
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India is one country where women are respected. Without women, there is no existence. Life starts with a lady as she gives birth. Your daily existence depends on women.

The women work at home and also at the office while the man malty confines to outdoors and work. She is a multi-tasker and we do not bother to address her issues some times.

When it comes to performance and competition in various fields, they are second to none. There is no work that women cannot do when compared with men.

So let us give all the respect to women, remembering her on the women’s day. There are several sectors where women have excelled better than that of men.

Let us give her equal importance in every aspect and cooperate with her to move forward. Let us hope that the parliament will also give the women the 33 per cent reservation in politics.

The men who talk about equal opportunity to women in politics were dilly-dallying on the women’s reservations bill for quite some time. The women were demanding for the reservation in politics for a long time and it requires an amendment in the constitution.

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