Tomato is at Rs 100

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The cost of vegetables is going up by the day. Tomato which was just hovering around Rs 30 has now reached hundred rupees. The other vegetables are also costly for that matter.

Now the sellers in Telugu states are contemplating getting vegetables from other states. The price of tomatoes continues to soar in Telangana with per kg costing Rs 100 in retail vegetable shops .

The price is likely to increase in the coming days.

Officials at the Market Yards predict that this situation will persist for another month. Green chillies are priced between Rs 100 to Rs 120 per kg, and other vegetables are also expensive, with most costing more than Rs 50 per kg.

For instance, ladies’ fingers and ridge gourds are priced at Rs 40 per kg. The prices of all vegetables, including onions, have risen.

Market Yard officials have stated that because farmers are not cultivating vegetables and are opting for other crops, the supply of vegetables to the market has reduced, leading to price hike.

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