Today is director Tejas birthday

director teja
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Director Teja is one director who has made it big from scratch. From a Lorry cleaner to one of the best directors in Tollywood. He is a cameraman also.

From Chitram to Nene Raju Nene Mantri he has come a long way in the industry. Some of his films have miserably bombed at the box office. Teja introduced many new actors and also writers.

Teja has written stories also. Some of his films were a rehash of old stories. He has done a movie with Mahesh babu also. He talks straight and is not a diplomatic man.

Teja helped many of them in the industry. His first movie Chitram was produced by Ramoji Rao under the banner of Mayuri movies. Teja introduced a songwriter called Kula Sekhar.

Teja is distantly related to Akkineni’s. Teja worked for the popular movie called Shiva directed by Ramgopal Varma. Teja directed films at a young age and had many ups and downs in the industry.

He lost his son due to health problems and also lost his land to one of the big men in the industry.

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