To prevent jaundice

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Sugarcane helps in proper functioning of the liver and digestion. A glass of sugarcane juice will help the patient recover from jaundice quickly.

Tomatoes have lycopene which lowers the risk of liver ailments. One glass of tomato juice mixed with salt and pepper should be taken every morning in order to cure jaundice.

Lemons have anti-inflammatory property which helps in curing jaundice. It unblocks the bile ducts and protects the liver cells from damage thus making it the most simple and easy home remedy for jaundice.

To prevent jaundice

Make a papaya leave paste and add honey to it. One should eat this regularly for about two weeks. This is an effective home remedy.

Spinach, as we all know, has iron in abundance; therefore spinach juice would be advantageous. Some chopped spinach leaves along with carrot will be an effective home remedy.

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