The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthnam will be closed from Friday night to Saturday morning due to Lunar eclipse. The Lunar eclipse is scheduled in the night and will remain till early morning it is reported. The Temple will be closed from 5 PM on Friday and will be opened at 7 am for Darshan to pilgrims. There will be no darshan for about 12 hours due to the Grahanam.
The Temple will be opened early in the morning but it has to cleansed and certain rituals have to perform before the darshan is started.
This will be from27nth from 5 pm to 28th 7am. The pilgrims coming to the TTD must take note of this and make suitable arrangements. Almost all the temples in Telugu states will be closed for the Grahanam. This is supposed to the longest Lunar eclipse of the 21st century it is reported.
On the other hand, the scientists are saying that there was nothing to worry and it is just a celestial event where people can see the red moon for a long time that is about 43 minutes and enjoy it. So far we have seen the white milky moon and now it is the red moon on 27nth midnight. See and enjoy.Om Namo Venkatesaya.