Trivikram Srinivas has selected Kalyan Shankar the Mad director for the third part of Tillu. The story line has been fixed and the story has to be developed.
After wrapping MAD2, Kalyan will be kickstarting the shooting of “Tillu Cube” with Siddhu Jonnalagadda and a new heroine in the lead.
The writing works of this new film are in discussions, after Siddhu and Kalyan developed a new idea for the sequel.
It’s surprising to see that the three Tillu films have three different directors including the first one directed by Vimal Krishna, second one by Mallick Ram and now Kalyan Shankar.
The success of Tillu one and Tillu 2 have increased the expectations of the audience and this makes the producers and directors to feel more responsible.
Trivikram is mentoring the movie. Trivikram and Naga Vamsi have minted hundred crore with Tillu square.