Mohan Babu the popular star who is also related to YSRC chief and AP CM Jagan clarified that he is not expecting any Government post from the YSRC. Mohan Babu has clarified that the writeups in Social Media on the TTD Chairman post were just Pukars and not news. He wanted the media to stop writing about such posts. Mohan Babu said that he wanted to see Jagan as the Chief Minister and that his dream was fulfilled.
On the other hand, there is a lot of Hungama going on about the TTD posts. Some of the directors appointed by the TDP government have resigned and Chairman Yadav is not resigning from his post. It is reported that the YSRC government is contemplating to bring in an ordinance to remove the people appointed by the TDP Government.
There is also news in the media that Chaganti Koteshwar Rao may be appointed as the TTD chief. But Chaganti bushed it aside saying that it was just a rumour and wishful thinking of the media.
Earlier Chaganti refused the advisor post offered by the TDP Government under Chandrababu. Bhumana Karunkar Reddy who was the TTD chief under YS Rajasekhar Reddy is also looking at the TTD. There are indications that someone from the TRS might also become the board member for the TTD. This will have representation for the Telangana state in the TTD board.