Theatres need a booster

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The cinema theatres in the Telugu states need a big bang movie to draw the audience. The small and medium range heroes are unable to draw the crowds to the theatres.

As the monsoon is approaching it wold be difficult to draw the audience for the night shows into the theatres.

Exhibitors are worried over poor turnout in theatres and they had to cancel shows two or three shows a day in the last one week and it has been an alarming situation for theatre owners.

“We opened theatres partially after May 25 but the situation hasn’t improved and audiences are still shunning theatres and leaving us in a mess,” a distributor points out.

Earlier, Anand Devarakonda has delivered the biggest hit of his career ‘Baby’ but he couldn’t repeat the magic with comic-caper ‘Gam Gam Ganesha’.

Similarly, Karthikeya delivered an average grosser ‘Bedurlanka 2012,’ but failed to draw decent openings for his latest crime comedy., he concludes.

Vishwak Sens Gangs of Godavari is doing so so and it is not bad we can say. Taking all this into consideration we can say that movies like Devara and Kalki might improve the situation.

Kanguva is also a movie that is drawing high expectations. Vikram is also coming up with a different kind of movie. Lets hope all these movies will improve the situation.

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