The significance of Shivaratri

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Shivaratri means the night of auspiciousness. Night basically symbolizes darkness.

Chandramaa Manaso Jaataha Chaksho Suryoajaayataa. There is a close relationship between the mind and the moon.

Today is Chaturdashi– the 14th day of the waning phase of the moon. The moon has 16 aspects and the mind of man also has 16 aspects. Tonight 15 aspects of the moon and therefore the mind have been overcome and just one aspect alone is left.

Therefore, we are very close to our true goal. Hence, humanity being so close to God today, whosoever chants the name of the Lord today, with a pure heart, will be benefited greatly.

It is very necessary to spend the time today thinking only about God and not allowing our mind to be diverted towards anything else.

The temples in Telugu states are brimming with activities. The markets are filled with fruits and flowers.

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