Telangana Police Academy hosted a comprehensive workshop for all officers of Telangana Police department on “New Criminal Laws” to sensitize all Police Officers on New Criminal Laws that will come into effect from 1st July 2024.
The workshop was held at TGPA and the event was attended by Sri Ravi Gupta IPS., Director General of police, Telangana as the Chief Guest. The Guest of honour for the occasion was Dr.Jitendar,IPS , Prl. Secretary, Home Dept.
Police officers across the state were given an elaborate lecture on the New Laws by Sri A.P Suresh, criminal lawyer. Later, the officers were made into groups who brainstormed on the changes introduced by the New Laws.
The day long workshop featured in-depth presentations and interactive discussions by the participants. They had the opportunity to raise questions and share insights fostering a collaborative learning environment.
“New Criminal Law Books” prepared by TGPA ;”Ready Reckoner of New Laws ” prepared by CID and “New Criminal Laws App” developed by TGPA were inaugurated by the DGP ,Telangana.
The workshop was facilitated by Smt. Abhilasha Bisht,IPS Director RBVRR TGPA, Sri K Sreenivasa Reddy IPS CP Hyderabad and Smt.Shikha Goel,IPS,Addl.DGP CID, Sri Mahesh M Bhagwat ADG, Railways and Road safety , Sri Sanjay Kumar Jain IPS ADG L&O , Sri Vijay Kumar IPS ADG Greyhounds, Sri Tarun Joshi , Commissioner Rachakonda Sri Avinash Mohanty IPS., Commissioner , Cyberabad attended by other senior Police officers of Telangana.