The Movie called Jagan ane Nenu

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There is a talk that YSRC leaders are planning to make a movie on Jaganmohan Reddy the CM of AP. Vishal will be the hero in the movie it is reported.

Jagan has heard the script but he has not given the green signal for the said biopic. The makers of YS Rajasekhar reddy movie Yatra are also working on the movie.

The movie will be right from padayatra to becoming the CM of AP. Welfare schemes being implemented will be highlighted in the movie. The movie if made will be released before the coming elections.

Jagan the real hero is another title being considered for the movie. A Tollywood director is also working on the script and fine-tuning it . Sajjala the Government advisor is also looking at the script and adding some scenes and incidents here and there it is learnt.

Yatra the movie made on the life and times of YS Rajasekhar Reddy the former CM and father of Jaganmohan Reddy was a super duper hit. Now the Movie on Jagan is also being made on the same pattern.

The script will be from the political entry to becoming the CM of the state. There may not be any early polls in AP and Jagan will not allign any party for the polls.

He wants to fight the polls all alone and is expecting to win all the seats. That is the target given to the party leaders and workers.

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