The fuel rates rise on the 14nth day

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The petrol rates have been going up since last 14 days and it has now reached Rs 85. The Government looks inactive and not concerned with the plight of the public. Diesel has gone up above Rs 70 is a thing to be noticed. Some officials said that Prime Minister Modi is looking into the issue. But how long will he take to resolve the issue?

On some issues, Modi just tweets immediately on some other things he acts immediately. But why not on this immediate issue which is making a hole into the pocket of every individual. What about the common man? These days ever household even in a slum has a two-wheeler. If his income goes to petrol on this basis then it would be very difficult for them to survive.


This will definitely have an impact on the Governance of NDA in the long run.

The opposition has made this point several times against the Modi Government, but no response from them so far. It is time that the Prime Minister himself takes it seriously and acts on the matter.

There is every need to cut the taxes and give whatever relief possible to the common man by reducing the rates of fuel. Even the LPG rates are high when compared to the UPA government. The rates will go up, but not at this level where the common man is disturbed on daily basis at the fuel filling stations.

This fuel hike will have a cascading effect on all the items that we use on regular basis. It’s time that the Government acts and looks at issues seriously rather than concentrating on taking jibes at Rahul Gandhi. But there is an argument that the fuel rates are less in the NDA regime when compared to hike in the UPA regime. It has to be seen as to how the NDA government will tackle the issue as it has completed 4 years of the regime.

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