The fit India

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The importance of staying fit is greater for senior citizens so that they can fight age-related disease. Speaking about this Heena Bhimani says, “Ageing is natural and cannot be prevented. But yes, with the right health strategies one can live a long, healthy and a happy life. Fit India healthy Hindustan aims to give tips to senior citizens so that they live a healthy life with dignity. Small lifestyle changes can have a big impact.”

Nutritionist Ryan Fernando, who will be speaking on the importance of having the right amount of sleep to stay fit in his session, besides other aspects of overall wellbeing, adds, “With the Fit India Movement, citizens now have access to various health-related resources and guidance, which has enabled them to make informed decisions about their health. The Fit India Healthy Hindustan series is an attempt to further empower citizens with the right advice.

There will also be a segment where the experts will be speaking on the importance of millets to celebrate 2023 as the International Year of Millets.

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