The drama of Karnataka

The drama of Karnataka
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The drama of Karnataka may continue for another 3 days or 6 days it is reported. The JDS and the Congress leaders who have apprehension about the MLAs being poached are going destinations and keeping an eye on them. The Congress MLAs in a 5 star resort in Bengaluru and are enjoying the summer.

JDS leader Kumara Swamy Goud said that the if BJP takes one we will take two MLAs from them. He charged that each MLA is being lured with a booty of around 100 crore and also a ministry. He is also getting offers from both the sides Gowda confirmed.

The Governor of Karnataka is weighing various options as to what would be his next stop apart from being in touch with the centre.

If the Governor calls the BJP, the Congress will go to the court. If he calls the Congress, then the BJP will say they are the single largest party. He is in a dilemma over the issue, keeping the precedent of Goa and Manipur in mind, if the BJP cannot prove the majority then the Congress will get the opportunity.

Byt what the market pundits say is that the BJP will clinch the opportunity and form the Government even though they do not have the required numbers. They have already set the ball rolling. It is just a matter of time. 6 BJP leaders are already in touch with the disgruntled Congress MLAs according to the reports.

It is party time all the way at Karnataka especially for the legislators and a free holiday kind of atmosphere. Some MLAs who have won and tired since last several days are taking rest.

Senior BJP MLA Eshwarppa said that they are in touch with some Congress and BJP MLAs and they would be able to get the required majority.

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