Telangana at “India Day”

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The TAUK stall representing Telangana state was inaugurated by Telangana state film development Corporation Ex- Chairman & TAUK Founder Anil Kurmachalam.

Thousands of Indian community members converged from all parts of the UK to make this day a great success. Community organizations put up nearly 70 stalls offering various regions cuisines of India and put up a rich display of cultural programmes showcasing the cultural heritage of India.

TAUK stall was a special attraction to the crowd as it resembled Telangana State History, Culture, Tourism, Development, Telangana government achievements …are displayed in the stall with relevant
data, TAUK members explained to the public who visited the stall.

Indian High Commissioner Vikram Dorai Swamy and British Ex-MP Virendra sharma visited “Telangana Stall” and appreciated TAUK members for their efforts in marketing telangana on global platform,they also said it is very inspiring to others.

Tealngana NRIs visited and appreciated special Telangana stall, also conveyed Telangana stall is beautiful and resembles of Telangana.

Everyone took Selfies as they believed it was like tourist place.

Secretary Ravi Retineni said, Hyderabad special Biryani was served toall the guests who visited the stall and the huge response has encouraged us to do many more such activities to promote Telangana on global platform.

TAUK General Secretary Suresh Budagam thanked High Commission for thisopportunity to represent Telangana at India Day celebrations on the occasion of 78th India Independence Day celebrations.

TAUK Senior Leader Naveen Reddy said, TAUK is the only organization representing whole Telugu Community in the 78th India Independence Day celebrations. He appreciated TAUK members Inspite of the busy schedule and rainy weather attending and making this event successful,especially sacrificing the holiday weekend.

TAUK Leaders and members Sathya Chilumula, Suresh Budagam, Venkat Reddy Dontula, Ravi Retineni, Swathi, Naveen Reddy, Ravi pulusu and Kranthi were among those attended this event.

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