Tamilisai acting like a politician

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The Modi Government is misusing the Governors against the state Governments said communist leader Narayana. He was addressing the media here with Kunamaneni.

Governor Tamilisai must be recalled by the center for making politics they opined. Amit Shah and Modi are criminals they charged. They demanded that along with the SIT a sitting judge must enquire into the farmhouse MLAs poaching episode.

They said that Tamilisai has no right to organise Praja Darbar. Both the Telangana and Tamilnadu Governors are acting partisan they stated. It is not right on the part of the Governors to sit on the bills they opined.

How can the Governor summon the Ministers they questioned? There is a talk that some legal luminaries also found fault with the attitude of Governor Tamilisai.

The Governor in a press meet yesterday charged that her phone was tapped by the Government. It is a wild allegation and a big allegation leveled against the Government.

The governor earlier also complained against the TRS Government that she was not given any protocol and respect. Governor Tamilsai met Home Minister Saha and presented a detailed report against the TRS Government.

She wanted the Government to take care of the Government universities first and then bother about the Private Universities.

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