Take Spinach regularly

Take Spinach regularly
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Spinach  or paalak is a rich source of  Vitamin K which helps in promoting the production of a protein called Osteocalcin in that is responsible for stabilizing calcium in the bones.
     Take Spinach regularly
Spinach contains beta caratene zeaxanthin, lutein and chlorophyll – all of which are responsible for improving your eyesight and boosting your immune system. Spinach is high in vitamin A which helps our skin and mucous membranes to repel various kinds of bacteria and viruses effectively.

Vitamin C in spinach is known to have the ability to prevent wrinkles and protect us from eye diseases, prenatal health problems and cardiovascular diseases.
 Take Spinach regularly Spinach provides you with the required levels of magnesium in your body which helps you to generate energy for your day to day chores. Spinach is also a great source of folate a nutrient that helps your body turn food into usable energy.

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