Jana Sena leader Pawan Kalyan said that the Congress could not solve the issues, so I supported the BJP and the TDP. The TDP was in not in power so I thought they would learn lessons and resolve the issues. He was addressing the Press from Hyderabad.
Yes I supported them then. But they did not keep up the promises and they did not fulfill the aspirations of people.
They did not bother to ask about the political experience when they needed my support. Now they are asking for my experience when I demand for the special status. It is almost 3 years that the TDP and the BJP have come to power and I did not question them.
Even I did not ask for vote for note issue. All political parties will do horse trading he stated. It is common he opined. Peoples issues are first then we can fight against the politicians he opined. He said that the youth were responsible for the TDP,TRS and the BJP coming to power.
He reminded that the even TRS must do things to achieve Bangaru Telangana. The demonetisation was done in a one sided manner. BJP is not bothered about the plight of the people he opined. Jallikattu was against the BJP he opined.
You have won the election on Special status Pawan said. He found fault with Venkaiah Naidu for making false promises. You must concentrate on Public rather than your Swarnabharathi Trust Pawan ridiculed. The TDP and the BJP are changing tunes day in and day out he said.
CM compromised on special status said Pawan. Why should I support the TDP and BJP he questioned. Let some Ombudsmen look into the allegations of the projects of AP said Pawan. You must have given permission to protest for the special status he said. You cannot stop the agitations any further he warned.
You cannot threaten and rule. You must rule with love , not with the help of police he warned. I am prepared for everything Pawan said. People are not your slaves, they will revolt in future he warned. National media must look into the issues of the South also he said. Why should thousands die for the sake of Telangana he questioned?