Street fighting in Ukraine capital

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Ukraine President says he will not run away from the war and will not surrender. The people of Ukraine will defend the country he said. The people in general were also given weapons to defend themselves.

Ukraine claims that they have killed around one thousand soldiers and taken another one thousand into custody. Around three hundred people were reported to be killed in Ukraine according to unofficial figures.

We have to see if Russian soldiers will be able to capture the President of Ukraine who is lodged in a bunker under high security. Ukraine security is expecting an attack this night from the Russian side.

While Pakistan supported the Russian attack, India did not participate in the voting at the UN meeting. The US has announced immediate financial help to Ukraine.

Some civilians were also injured in the Russian attack it is reported. The Ukraine army is putting up stiff resistance against the Russian forces. The Indian students are arriving in two planes from Ukraine this night.

The other students are also waiting to get evacuated from Ukraine. Meanwhile, there are reports that the ground forces of both countries are fighting a pitched battle on the streets of Ukraine’s capital.

Russian forces are trying to get control over the Ukraine president’s building and then capture him.

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