Salman Khan and dancing director Prabhu Deva were seen in a video dancing to the song Urvasi. While Salman Khan grooved a little to the song, producer Nadiadwala and Sudeep also joined with Salman.
The video has gone viral where Salman is seen in a white T-shirt and a low waist jeans pant. Here Prabhudeva with a slat and pepper beard is seen shaking hands and legs slowly to show Salman the different way to dance.
The video is on Instagram and has gone viral already. They all collaborated for the movie Dabangg 3. Interestingly Sonakshi is the leading lady again for the Dabangg 3 also.
Salman was in news for the last 3 days for accepting a movie with Sandeep Vanga of Arjun Reddy and Kabir Singh fame. Sandeep is already working for Salman and T series is the producer. Salman will be working for Sandeep vanga after completing Dabangg 3.
The story from Sandeep will be finally vetted by the tiger Saleem Khan the father of Salman Khan. Now people have to come to a conclusion that Salman has grooved to the Uravasi song with Prabhu Deva for Dabangg 3.