Stop the exploitation of Animals

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Animal activists will be donning iconic Guy Fawkes masks to unmask the ongoing exploitation of animals via ‘Cube of Truth’ event to be held today, 10 August 2019. This annual event was originally conceived by ‘Anonymous for the Voiceless’, an international volunteer group ..

Residents of the twin cities will take to the streets to acquaint people with the reality of the world’s most neglected victims, animals, by showing passers-by undercover footage of animal exploitation. The volunteers will sport Guy Fawkes masks in order to keep the bystanders’ attention focused on the message rather than the messengers.

A huge human cube will be formed by vegan volunteers, who will screen footage of standard practices through which animals are brutally exploited for avoidable human wants in India. The footage will give glimpses into the lifelong suffering and cruel deaths caused by our exploitation of animals for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation and labour. After exposing the unconscionable truth about the torture and terror inflicted on animals by our everyday choices, volunteers will discuss how to avoid animal-based choices is not just ethical, but also easy and healthy.

The event attempts to draw people’s focus on the immense suffering that our everyday choices inflict upon animals and urging them to make changes.

Subsequently, a public speak-out will be performed to introduce species-ism to onlookers. Similar to racism, casteism, sexism and heterosexism, speciesism is a form of discrimination that fuels the exploitation of sentient beings on the ethically irrelevant basis of their species.

This term, coined by Dr Richard Ryder in 1970, is used to articulate the fact that differences in terms of cognition, communication, etc. do not justify the harming of sentient individuals belonging to non-human species.

What we are doing to animals is analogous to the human slavery that we cringe at the thought of. Every year, we breed into existence billions of animals for food, clothing, entertainment, experimentation, etc. only to torture and murder them for our wants (not needs). Had these victims been humans, we’d have called this an unprecedented genocide. And, this atrocity is being powered by us, the common people!

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