Actress Sridevi’s daughter Jhanvi is almost set for her Bollywood debut though there hasn’t been an official announcement yet, but the MOM actress told mid-day that it “would give me greater joy to see her (Jhanvi) married.”
Jhanvi is reportedly debuting in Karan Johar’s Student of the Year 2 opposite Tiger Shroff. Sridevi told media “She wanted to do the film and initially, I was not in favour. I don’t think it’s a bad industry. I am a creation of this world. But, as a parent, it would give me greater joy to see her married.
But her happiness matters more, and if she does well as an actress, I will be a proud mother.” Sridevi also told mid-day that she and her husband Boney Kapoor “are aware of every detail of her (Jhanvi) career.”
Sridevi’s 300th film, titled MOM, is all set for release and the actress also talked about the bond she shares with Jhanvi and her younger daughter Khushi. “We are like friends. We spend a lot of time together. Our routine is always centered around each other,” she told media.