Snake in the parliament

nigeria parliament
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No, it is not in Delhi Parliament building. It is about the Nigeria parliament. A snake was seen hanging from the fan in the parliament building of Nigeria while the house was in session.

There were a hue and cry in the parliament building. The speaker abruptly was forced to adjourn the house. While some members just stood on the tables, others ran out of the parliament building to save themselves from the snake.

No one knew how the snake entered the building and was hanging from the fan and later it fell down. The lawmakers were worried and just rushed out of the building.

The officials do not know how a snake could enter the parliament building and climb on to the roof and then come down from the fan. Some of them thought that maybe because of the abundant greenery around the snake should have been staying and might have made its way into the house.

The snake was rescued out by the security and thorough check was also ensured before the house began transacting the business. We don’t have snakes in the Delhi parliament building but some terrorists entered the parliament buildings and were neutralised by our security forces..

They tried to carry out an attack on our parliament.

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