Snacks to cost more in theatres

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The ticket rates in the theatres are already high when new movies are released. Now the snack rates are all set to go up by five percent.

A final decision on this will be taken on 11nth of this month. This will have an adverse effect on the footfalls in the theatres.

Several directors and associations have suggested that the theatre owners must keep the snack rates low so that the people will come to theatres with all the happiness.

In the name of Combos the snack rate goes up to rupees thousand which is very high.

To make matters worse, GST Fitment Committee has proposed to hike up the prices of food and drinks at cinema halls further. The committee has proposed to impose an additional 5% GST on food and drinks at cinema halls across the country.

This could well add an additional burden on the already struggling theatrical market.

Amidst complaints about high prices of food items, the added tax could add more fuel to the fire. The fitment committee has proposed to impose 28% tax on online gaming, horse racing, and casinos.

In multiplexes the rates are very high when it comes to snacks. There was no parking earlier and they are collecting parking fee also.

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