After the super duper hit of Fidaa, the director Shekar Kammula has been in hibernation. There were a lot of offers to him from big stars and producers but he chose to be away from them.Now Kammula is doing a film with Sunil Narang the owner of Asian cinemas who is a partner with Mahesh Babu also. Right now the process of filing is on with new actors who have been trained by Kammula it is reported. Like Rajamouli ace director, Kammula is also not allowing mobile and other sorts of electronic gadgets on to the sets.
He is maintaining the suspense element so that he would later introduce the actors in a grand function here in Hyderabad. He is doing the film at a grand level with most of them being the new stars it is reported. Shekar had done films with newcomers and got good success. But whenever he did a movie with a star he got mixed results. Now he has gone back to his old method of shooting with new actors.