SHE counselling for 1500 majors

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The Women Safety Wing, is successfully running a module to organise statewide Online counselling sessions every month for the respondents of SHE Teams. As part of the online counselling, delinquents identified based on complaints of February, a Counselling session was held on 15.12.2021 & 16.12.2021 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM to those who are caught by the Unit SHE Teams in offences against Women and Children like Eve-Teasing, Harassing over Phone, Harassing over social media platforms etc.

Counselling session was held for 1515 majors and 58 minor respondents from 30 Police districts / commissionerates. Officers of SHE Teams from their respective Unit headquarters were also present.

Local She Team Incharges and members attended the session by dividing the respondents into small groups consisting of each 5-6 members and monitored and guided by a responsible SHE Teams officer / mentor.

Smt. Swati Lakra, IPS, Addl. DGP, Women Safety Wing, TS addressing the session explained the aim and purpose of “Online counselling” that it is a process of bringing about change in their behaviour, who have made mistakes, she said that the counselling session should be utilised as an opportunity to change themselves and for ensuring that there is change in behaviour of respondents, counselling is one such methodology. She appreciated the performance of Hyderabad and Cyberabad commissionerates, Nizamabad as well as Nalgonda district. She stated that lot of quality change has come in the performance of all the districts and all are using the SHE Software Application with respect to the response and updating of records of the persons caught in SHE Teams related offences. She further requested the counsellers to work towards effective modules to bring about required change. Total respondents i.e. 1573 took part in the counselling today from Cyberabad – 689, Hyderabad – 207, Nalgonda – 149, Rachakonda. – 127, Warangal – 69 and rest from other districts.

Smt. Sumathi, IPS, Dy. Inspector-General of Police, WSW, addressing the participants of the session stated that it is the 7th Online Counselling held by WSW, which now has a “standardised process” with more than 1573 respondents (Major-1515, Minor-58) counselled, so far in various counselling sessions held since October – 2020. She further deliberated strong message for the respondents that the Telangana State Women Safety Wing has the requisite technology to monitor the respondents caught in SHE Team related offences. They are under surveillance for their behaviour and that if they repeat any kind of unlawful acts, the system automatically alerts along with previous criminal record. 70% of the complaints received during the month November-2021 are from Cyberabad, Hyderabad, Rachakonda commissionerates, She also stated that 82% (through Whatsapp (54%), Direct(28%)) of complaints are received. If analysed Respondents wise most of the respondents i.e. 77% are between the age of 19-35 Years,. During the year -2021, most often reported Type of Harassment is through Phone and Social media which is 50% of total complaints.

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