Sharmila the daughter of YS Rajasekha Reddy and the sisters of AP CM Jagamohan Reddy has given an interview to a local Telugu Channel. Shamila has Sakshi but she has given the interview to the rival channel which always goes against the YSRC Government and Jagan in particular.
She opined that there was no opposition in the Telangana and that was the reason she started the political party for the people of Telangana. Sharmila said that she had done a lot for the sake of Jaganmohan Reddy and sounded that he has ignored her.
The interview will be on Sunday. The promos are already viral on the web. But people still have doubts if Sharmila is fielded by BJP or the TRS to divide the votes in the coming election.
Sharmila in her interview sounded as if she is inheriting the power from her father late YS Rajasehar Reddy. She was cool and answered the questions properly.
Who will be the Chief Minister if Jagan gets his bail cancelled is another question. There is no doubt that it will have a good TRP.