Shabbir challenges PM Modi

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Shabbir Ali the TS Government Advisor expressed deep disappointment at PM Modi’s divisive rhetoric, which discriminates against people based on their religion. He found it perplexing that despite ten years of governance claims, PM Modi feels compelled to resort to Hindu-Muslim rhetoric to bolster his chances in the upcoming elections.

He reminded that historically, it has been the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that has supported Muhammad Ali Jinnah, not the Congress. He emphasized that the Congress has consistently opposed the Muslim League, unlike the BJP, which has shown support.

Therefore, due to his ideological proximity, PM Modi should be familiar with the historical stance of the Muslim League during the pre-independence period. The Congress has always stood against divisive politics and refrained from endorsing ideologies that propagate hatred and division among the populace, he said.

Shabbir Ali highlighted the BJP’s historical fondness for Mohammed Ali Jinnah and his Muslim League, citing instances where senior BJP leaders such as Lal Krishna Advani and Jaswant Singh openly praised Jinnah.

He challenged PM Modi to explain why Syama Prasad Mukherjee, Jana Sangh’s founder and Hindu Mahasabha’s president, formed a coalition government with the Muslim League in Bengal, Sindh, and the North West Frontier Province.

Furthermore, he urged Modi to clarify whether or not BJP leaders L.K. Advani and Jaswant Singh had indeed praised Jinnah.

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