Do the sex on screen and get paid 

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The University wanted to show the condoms wont kill the mood, they have asked the adults to perform sex on the screen to prove that wearing condoms and doing the act will not spoil the mood of the couples. For that the university has paid the couples and recorded the same on the screen to be presented to the public so that the usage of the condoms goes up.

Pornstars and adult film actors have been raking in a lot of cash owing to a booming adult film industry, but a university UK wants men and women between ages of 18 to 25 to have sex on video for 400 pounds.

Before you jump the gun, the videos will be a part of Coventry University’s Chance 2 Change campaign, which is aimed at eliminating a practice that has been seen most in porn movies. The idea is to promote condoms by showing people that condoms do not kill the mood. Most porn movies show performers without condoms, creating a myth among the youth.


The video will only be available to people aged over 18 and will also have clips of people explaining how to put on condom to increase pleasure and couples talking how condoms factor in sex lives, along with videos of people having sex.

The campaign will also come up with a condom providing service, a free product to carry condoms and will also allow people to try out condoms of their choice. Many organisatons have been trying to promote the usage of condoms in different ways, but it is yet to catch up in the Indian states. To some extent in foreign countries it is reported that the females do not allow the males without condoms. That is a good habit.


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