RGV warns the death virus

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Ram Gopal Varna is known for his tweets and controversies. He wants to share the centre stage with all the current happening. RGV involves himself in the going on, on day to day basis with his tweets.

Now the latest being he challenged the Coronavirus which is causing thousands of deaths across the globe. While there is warning across the Globe on Crona, RGV has said that even Corona will die as it is a parasite.

He ridiculed and challenged the virus saying that instead of being so dumb and killing everyone get educated that you too will die along with us because you are a parasite.

He requested the virus to adopt the method of live and let live. He also said “I hope wisdom will prevail upon you. Perhaps RGV is one man who tweeted against the virus. All others are hiding and worried about the virus.

They are running away from the virus.

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