Both Teja and RGV the directors want to make a movie about the life and times of NTR. RGV said the film would be great if it is narrated from the points of NTR’s second wife Lakshmi Parvathi. He even went ahead and said the title of the film would be ‘Lakshmi’s NTR’.
RGV added that upcoming biopic will have the episodes related to Viceroy hotel, NTR being backstabbed by his son-in-law Chandra Babu. RGV said, “ I am ready to reveal many unknown facts to the worlds during the tough times of NTR.”
The film “LAKSHMI’s NTR” will make naked and expose all the real truths behind the true lies of those who punched in his stomach and stabbed his back ..”LAKSHMI’s NTR” will be the true story of the real actual total truth behind what actually really happened in NTR’s life especially towards the end.”
We do not know what Teja is planning and with whom. Is Balaiah in or out.