Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff, son of Jackie Shroff reacting to Ram Gopal Varma’s sexist tweets on International Women’s Day, said that some people are not aware of their limit. “I believe everyone has freedom of speech. But there should be some kind of limit to it. It’s sad that some people aren’t aware of that, aren’t educated enough,” he said here at an event . It may be noted that RGV also tweeted against Tiger saying that it looked like 6 pack in a bikini.
Famous for his controversial tweets, RGV took to Twitter to express his wish to celebrate the day as Men’s Day.
“Women’s day should be called #MensDay because men celebrate women much more than women celebrate women,” he tweeted. On this note, he further tweeted that every woman should keep men happy like Sunny Leone.
“I wish all the women in the world give men as much happiness as Sunny Leone gives,” wrote RGV. This tweet, as expected, did not go down well with the Twitter users, who suggested that he must say this to his mother and daughters as well.After his series of controversial tweets, Film Studio Setting and Allied Mazdoor Union, with 52,000 members, decided to boycott the ‘ Sarkar’ helmer.
Meanwhile, the director clarified his tweets, especially on Sunny Leone, and said that the flak arises from ‘ultimate hypocrisy.’ “The negative noise towards my tweet on @SunnyLeone arises from ultimate hypocrisy.She has more honesty and more self respect than any woman,” he tweeted.