Raghurama Krishnam Raju the controversial and outspoken MP from the YSRC has met the Kirrak director Ram Gopal Varma in the recent times. No one knows as to why there was a need for the MP to meet RGV.
Meanwhile RGV is busy with releasing the movie called Murder on OTT. RGV is one director who believes in the OTT concept. He said OTT is here to stay.
But the real news is that RGV certified Raghuram as a better hero than RRR movie and its heroes Ramcharan and NTR. He also took a jibe at the popular director Rajamouli.
Rajamouli is a big director and he will take RGV in his stride. He has no time to bother about these things. He wants RRR to be released at the earliest as theatres are getting opened soon.
We do not know why there was a need for RGV to promote Raghurama Krishnam Raju at this juncture. But both the MP and RRR has got some publicity in the name of RGV.
Some say this is all to get some mileage for the movies of RGV to be released on the OTT. Hit or flop RGV never bothers and he keeps on making movies.
He has a factory for making movies. His tongue is always laced with acid and goes no firing at others. Let us hope RGV will change his attitude for the good in the near future.