Venkaiah Naidu the Vice President of India advised the young Civil Servants to ensure that the fruits of development reach the weaker sections of society and that they feel there is a perceptible improvement in the quality of their lives. Venkaiah was talking at the valedictory function of the Civil servants training here at the MCHRD in Hyderabad.
He stated that this is possible only if governance becomes corruption free, citizen-centric, and business-friendly.
The Vice President said that women have inherent potential and, therefore, underlined the need for providing equal opportunities to them for their development and that of the country. “A country that was known as the Vishwa Guru Sri must put an end to inequalities”, he stated.
Venkaiah Naidu said that rape is a shame. “While strong legislation to curb this phenomenon is important in its own right, the need of the hour is to change the mind-set of people and revive our values of respect for women which are embedded in our culture.
Venkaiah Naidu stated that our cultural values, based on VasudhaivaKutumbakam, are what makes India unique. “We also must protect nature. Nature and Culture for a better future”,is the slogan that the Vice President coined.