Registration of non-agri lands from Nove 23

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With the success of Dharani portal in registering the agricultural lands, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has decided to commence the registration of non-agriculture lands shortly through the Dharani Portal.

To discuss the modalities such as when to start the process of registering the non-agriculture lands? What measures to be taken to commence the

registration shortly? and other related issues, the CM will conduct a high-level review meeting on Sunday at 11 AM at Pragathi Bhavan here.

Chief Secretary, higher officials from the Revenue, Stamps and Registration departments will participate in the review meeting. At the same time, the initial technical glitches are also being corrected in the Dharani portal.

There are instances where the fingerprints are not being registered properly. A system is being created so that they can be registered again in the name of correction.

The people who have registered the agricultural lands are happy that they got the passbook within no time and they need not go around the brokers and also the registrar.

One visit is completing the registration in no time. Now the non- agricultural lands registration has to begin. The registrations were stopped for the sake of Dharani portal introduction.

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