There is a big discussion on what is pure honey and what is good for health. Honey can be easily adulterated with glucose solution or high fructose corn syrup and other ingredients you may never know. It’s best to do your due diligence before buying and not always trust what you see.
A simple trick that to check the quality of honey is to put some in a glass of water. Pure honey should remain solid and not dissolve when submerged in water. Raw honey being ‘nature’s richest source of live healing enzymes and that it increases reflexes, mental alertness and even IQ!’ He suggests that all honeys should be eaten raw as cooked honey has no enzymes and wherever possible select organic honey packaged in glass.
The crystallization of honey is actually a trait of pure, natural honey. During crystallization the glucose sugar in honey separates from the water and turns into white crystals because it is an over-saturated sugar solution.
The process of crystallization is known to preserve certain characteristics of your honey like flavour and quality. “People believe that crystallized honey has gone bad but honey never expires. If it is stored in a cool and dry place, it will naturally crystallize in a few months.
Back in the 1800s, honey came in a comb packed in a wooden box. Honey stored in the honeycomb was the purest, rawest form of honey. And there was no other alternative. As time went by, several things changed. Food safety laws were tightened and the natural honey that people had been eating for so many years was not considered safe anymore. Unfortunately, we lost a real treat.