Ready to resign over the Kiss? Rodrigo

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Philippines President Rodrigo said that he was ready to resign over the kiss issue. It may be recalled that he gave a lip to lip kiss to one of the ladies during the book launch ceremony.

Ready to resign over the Kiss? Rodrigo

Rodrigos spokesperson said that she did it willingly and excitedly, she was tickled pink,” he told news channel ANC . But there is a hue and cry from the women’s organisations over the act of the president in public and kissing a lady on the lips that to a stranger. While Rodrigo said that it was just a show and entertainment, the feminists called it a perverted act.

He said that let the women petition him over the issue and if it is in majority he was ready to step down over the matter and resign.

Rodrigo has somewhat of a rock star like the image in the public and said that kissing is his style statement. While presenting the book the President asked for a kiss on the lip and the women agreed to do so after a little bit of hesitation and she turned pink with a little smile on her face.

Rodrigo also said that during his campaigning for the Mayor’s post he kissed all the women lip to lip and there was no objection of whatsoever. Now his age is 73 and keeps making style statements all the time.

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