You talk of Banks people remind you of Vijay Mallya. The Modi Government received a lot flak from the public as Mallya is absconding from the country and hiding in foreign countries.
Along with his flamboyant style, Vijay Mallya is also popular for his King Fisher calendar. Finally, his character is coming up on the screen. Govinda the Chi Chi boy who was a dancing sensation is doing the role of Mallya. Chinni Prakash the senior dance director has completed a song depicting the kingfisher models along with Mallya.
Pahlaj Nihlani who has launched Govinda first is doing the movie. One can see Govinda the dancing star in various forms of Vijay Mallya. It will be interesting to see Govinda in various hair styles, spects, colours and flanked by ladies all the time. It suits him at his age as Mallya is also aged and running away from the Government.
The UK government regards Mallya as the fugitive running away from the Government. The Indian Government has faced a lot of falk on the escapades of Mallya. Now the BJP Government is trying to get him back to India.