Rakhi Sawant who is not busy with movies these days wants to attract the attention of the media some how or the other. Now she has directly hit the bulls eye and has used the dress with Modi pictures. The media lapped up the same like anything. She is a big mouth and talks openly and frankly on any subject.
Rakhi Sawant is a self-proclaimed Modi fan, though we’re not sure if Modiji really wants her as one. Rakhi, controversies favourite child, has been requesting Modi to change things in the country for quite a while now.
A couple of months ago she requested her darling PM to put a ban on ceiling fans in homes.
“Banning ceiling fans is more important than chanting ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’ because many daughters and daughters-in-law are committing suicide,” she had said.
That’s good (NO!) advice, we guess. At least, she acknowledges the futility of the “Bharat Mata ki jai” business.
When Pakistani social media star Qandeel Baloch was murdered recently, Rakhi again batted for PM Modi, saying Pak PM Nawaz Sharif should learn from Modiji and work harder for women’s empowerment.
Hence, Rakhi’s Modi love is pretty well established. But when is loving a politician too much? They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth a billion words, and some “bhakt” tears to boot.
We present to you Rakhi Sawant, the one and only, clad in a way only she can be, the now undisputed greatest fan of Narendra Modi.