Rahul Gandhi the Congress chief who is coming to Hyderabad today was caught on the state beating his eye again. Earlier when he was caught in the act in the parliament he did not speak over the matter. He was seen beating his eye after hugging the PM Modi in the parliament. Speaker Sumitra Mahajan warned him not to behave like that.
She told him that Modi was sitting in the parliament and that he was the PM and that Rahul cannot do whatever he wants. There should be some decorum in the parliament she suggested.
Now again Rahul was caught beating his eye looking at Sachin Pilot and hugging the other leader on the dais. The idea to hug was given by Sachin Pilot. Sachin Pilot hugged Gehlot in turn. But the wink act did not go well with the audience. They were reminded of the parliament when Rahul did the same after hugging Modi all of a sudden.
People are treating this as a childish act and are comparing him with Priya warrior who became popular on the social media with her wink.