Rahul ignored employment

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Former minister and MLA T Harish Rao criticized Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for ignoring the plight of the unemployed in the state. Rao questioned why Gandhi remains indifferent to the hunger strikes and protests of job seekers, highlighting Motilal Naik’s ongoing hunger strike at Gandhi Hospital.

“It is unfortunate that Motilal Naik has been on a hunger strike for the past seven days without any response from the government,” said Harish Rao during his visit to Naik. “On behalf of the BRS party, we appeal to Motilal to end his strike. This isn’t just his fight; he is fighting for the lakh of unemployed people in Telangana. He has announced he will pause his strike until the government takes action. We have repeatedly tried to convince him, saying, ‘Let’s fight together; we are with you. Your life is important, especially since you are fatherless.’”

The BRS leader alleged that the Congress party has shown hypocritical concern, using the unemployed for their gain and then abandoning them post-elections. The Congress government is ignoring the plight of the unemployed. “It’s as if they abandon the ship once they have crossed the river,” said Harish Rao.

Previously, Professor Kodandaram, Riaz, Balmuri Venkat, Akunuri Murali, and Revanth Reddy visited coaching centers in Ashok Nagar, advocating for the unemployed. They conducted bus yatras and brought Rahul Gandhi to Ashok Nagar, making promises, recalled Harish Rao. “You secured jobs, but the unemployed did not,” Harish Rao pointed out, questioning why their voices are silent now.

Harish Rao recalled Rahul Gandhi’s promise to fill two lakh jobs within a year when he visited Ashok Nagar. Seven months have passed, and Harish Rao asked why job notifications have not been issued. “Rahul Gandhi is neither seeing nor hearing the suffering of our unemployed. Why does he not care if the unemployed are on a hunger strike, fighting for their rights? The Congress party ignores protests tagged to Rahul Gandhi on Twitter, directed at Revanth Reddy. They demand that Rahul Gandhi take the initiative to implement his promises to the unemployed youth in Ashok Nagar and instruct Revanth Reddy accordingly,” said Harish Rao.

The former minister said that Revanth Reddy made provocative comments, asking the unemployed to go to villages and vote. He promised swift action but hasn’t delivered even after seven months. “What happened to the guarantees written on bond papers? In the assembly, Bhatti Vikramarka advocated for a 1:100 eligibility ratio for Group One mains exams. Professor Kodandaram incited these unemployed individuals. Why are they silent now?” asked Rao, demanding Revanth Reddy and Kodandaram Reddy to explain why eligibility could be increased in undivided AP but not in the newly formed state. The government doesn’t care when unemployed people fall at Chinnareddy’s feet, submitting applications for public administration jobs.

Attacking the government, Harish Rao said that unemployed youths are facing cases when they post on social media. “Is this the people’s rule?” he asked. “Students are making fair demands, and we insist that the promises made to them be fulfilled,” said Harish Rao, demanding the government to:

1. Increase Group One Mains eligibility from 1:50 to 1:100, as promised during the Congress party elections. Allow one hundred candidates to compete for mains per post.

2. Keep the promise of adding 2,000 jobs to Group-2 and 3,000 jobs to Group-3. Ensure a two-month gap between exams.

3. Fulfill the promise of filling two lakh jobs within a year. Recognize that six months have passed, leaving only six months to fulfill this promise. Take steps in this direction.

4. Guarantee the identification of vacant posts and release a job calendar regularly.

5. Announce a Mega DSC in the first cabinet meeting after coming to power, with twenty-five thousand teacher posts, not just eleven thousand.

6. Avoid backlog in Gurukula teacher posts. Fill the posts according to the Telangana High Court judgment and provide justice to candidates and the unemployed.

7. Cancel G.O. No. 46 as assured if the Congress came to power. Address issues created by G.O. 46 and ensure fairness to candidates.

8. Implement the promise of providing unemployed youth with a dole of Rs 4,000 per month. Pay the allowance every month, including arrears since coming to power. “Otherwise, we warn that BRS will prepare for another fight on behalf of the unemployed,” said Harish Rao.

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