AR Rahman the music director has failed by writing and mankind a film called 99 in the recent days. But P Susheela out Telugu singer has like the movie 99.
She is so Fida with the film that Susheela has requested Rahman to make a biopic on her life. She has been a very popular singer like Ghantsala, but no Telugu filmmaker bothered to make a biopic on her life and times.
She had to call up Rahman to make a film on her life and times. Let’s hope filmmakers like Nagaswhin who did a film on Savitri in the name of Mahanati will take notice of singers like Susheela and also S Janaki.
But we do not know if Rahman has agreed to do a movie with Susheela in the first place. He has failed miserably in making the film 99. The audience just ignored it.
Rahman should take the help of a regular director who has some experience and then continue to make films. There is no doubt about his music and his film 99 is also good, but it is not for all sections of society.
But he was happy that a great singer like Susheela accepted and appreciated Rahman for 99.