Allu Arjun pan-India film with Tamil director Nelson Dilipkumar, who made sensational blockbuster ‘Jailer’ is very much on.
“Allu Arjun will be working with Nelson next year as other films will take more time,” says a source .”It would be made with a whopping budget of Rs 200 crore since it would never before seen action saga.”
Director Nelson, riding on the massive success of ‘Jailer’, met Allu Arjun a few months ago and narrated a storyline to Bunny who immediately gave his nod to the gripping action film. “Nelson narrated an interesting story with a unique backdrop loaded with enough action and entertainment. Bunny, who is looking for something different these days, also liked the script in principle,.
It would be designed as a pan-India entertainer since Allu Arjun has gained popularity across India after ‘Pushpa’ and his craze is going to go a few notches up after ‘Pushpa2’. Pushpa’s image will grow leaps and bounds and his film with Nelson would be perfect to satisfy his growing fan following.